FIELDEAS Track and Trace

Cómo obtener visibilidad total en tus operaciones logísticas

21 abril · 10 - 11 am


Controlling your operations through a collaborative and hyper-connected logistics model is a key factor in achieving an efficient and resilient supply chain and providing transparency to all stakeholders.


We invite you to register for this webinar in which we will provide insight on how to achieve greater visibility in the supply chain and how to address the challenges it faces:

  1. Gain real-time visibility of shipments to optimize the supply chain and provide real-time visibility of estimated arrival times.
  2. Monitor through key information the critical business processes, supervising possible deviations linked to the activity.
  3. Facilitate incident management, analyzing impacts and proactively notifying stakeholders about the status of goods.
  4. Digitize document management associated with the process through document scanning, delivery note and digital signature, e-CMR and contactless processes.
  5. Collaboration between shippers and carriers throughout the transportation process, from planning to final delivery.

You will discover in this webinar

  • How to obtain complete visibility of shipments along the entire supply chain, centrally managing all logistics operations and stakeholders involved.
  • How to gain control of your operations and efficiently manage all ongoing logistics processes (pickups, deliveries, route tracking, fleet/order/bulk and reference tracking), as well as process-related incident and alert management. Minimizing them and optimizing both processes and resources.
  • How to increase customer satisfaction. Through transparency in the service, the customer obtains real-time visibility and allows him to optimize his internal processes by knowing first-hand the real information of his shipments.
  • How to increase the improvement of your internal processes. Through real time information, processes are interconnected and become more efficient, the management model is oriented towards management by exception, where resources are focused on the activities that need to be managed.


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  • 10:00 - 10:15 · Introducción

    Supply Chain Visibility, los beneficios y retos de la transparencia en cadena de suministro

  • 10:15 - 10:45 · FIELDEAS Track and Trace

    Conoce desde una perspectiva práctica toda la funcionalidad y novedades de nuestra solución FIELDEAS Track and Trace.

  • 10:45 - 11:00 · Experiencias y casos de uso

    Compartiremos con los asistentes la experiencia de la implantación de nuestra solución en clientes como Repsol, Grupo Celsa o DHL.

  • 11:00 · Turno de preguntas


Óscar López
Director General

Alfonso Martín
Gerente Preventa

Rodrigo Martín
Gerente Soluciones
Transporte y Logística

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