Introducing the mobile artificial intelligence application at Logistics18

Maximum traceability, Minimum Interaction

22 Nov 2018
Inteligencia Artificial en field services

The integration of mobile artificial intelligence in Track and Trace processes is bringing about a revolution.

Through the implementation of intelligent systems that are fed with contextual information, we can obtain greater control and traceability of our transportation processes, while minimizing the work of carriers by simplifying their interaction.

The application of AI and the revolution in the new FIELDEAS identification processes were the two major innovations presented at Logistics&Distribution18.

If you were not able to visit us at Logistics&Distribution18, don’t miss the interview Cuadernos de Logística did with us where we presented mobile artificial intelligence.


Minimum interaction, maximum traceability: We integrate mobile Artificial Intelligence into your transport processes.

Subscribe to our blog and newsletter, and keep up to date with the latest news on digital transformation and innovation affecting your sector.

Lola Hurtado

Marketing Manager at FIELDEAS

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