electronic delivery note

cadena suminstro

03 Jun 2020

Towards a COVID-19 free Supply Chain

Many things are changing with the healthcare crisis. So much so that, although everyone thinks that nothing will ever be the same again, few are in a position to know…

La digitalización supone una ventaja competitiva para las empresas de transporte en un mercado cada vez más complicado

19 May 2020

A new impetus for the digital transformation of transportation

The disease that has been ravaging the entire planet since the end of 2019 has the name of an asteroid or a futuristic robot. However, its effects are already being…

Firma digital

12 Feb 2020

Digital signature with legal validity for the digitization of transport transactions

The digital signature is an increasingly frequent procedure in the daily management of companies. It is used so that, in a secure and encrypted way, documents can be signed digitally…