FIELDEAS at Advanced Factories 21

Presenting the SEAT "Surface Solution" success story

17 Jun 2021
FIELDEAS en Advanced Factories 21

Last June 8 to 10, Advanced Factories 21 was held, an event that brought together more than 10,267 professionals during these dates.

For three days, Advanced Factories 21 brought together the latest solutions in digitization and automation systems, robotics, additive manufacturing, software, production integration systems, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twin, machine vision, data analytics or cybersecurity.

The following have participated more than 200 exhibiting firms and has gathered to 267 speakers in the context of the the Industry 4.0 Congress, where the have shared success stories of the application of 4.0 technologies to improve factory productivity, in addition to analyzing the technologies or solutions that will transform industry as we have known it up to now.

We share a summary of our participation in the fair, the summit of innovation in the industrial sector, in which we have played a very special role this year.

FIELDEAS presents “Surface Solution” at the Industry 4.0 Congress of Advanced Factories

Cristian Farhni, Manager Serial Processes at FAP SEAT Martorell, shared in the session “Connected Product. The challenge of a development at different paces” of Advanced Factories the “Surface Solution” initiative.

A project promoted together with FIELDEAS for the digitalization of the entire production process with a multi-department model and a volume of users of more than 1000 workers.

Amongthe improvements achieved through this new collaborative model, SEAT highlighted the following:

  • Digitization of plant information in each of the production lines.
  • Collaborative communication with more than 1000 users in real time.
  • Definition of specific resolution measures for each type of alarm/incident.
  • Generation of data patterns/lessons learned for automation of future projects.
  • Integration between the group’s corporate/consortial systems providing visibility through accurate information at all levels of responsibility.

Cristian Farhni at Advanced Factories

“Incident Escalation”, the solution for maintenance management 4.0

David Perez Maza, Industry Manager, presented the “Incident Escalation” solution at the Factory Innovation Theatre.

A collaborative solution that allows direct communication between the different departments of a company, with direct or group conversations around an incident, alarm, warning or work order.

And where he highlighted some of the benefits obtained with its implementation:

  • To have a single communication channel.
  • Centralized information in a single system.
  • Collaboration between internal and external profiles.
  • Security in the reception of messages.
  • Increased efficiency in real-time job resolution
  • Reduction of time in decision making.
  • Grouped documentation.
  • Paper elimination.
  • Generation of reports during the entire lifecycle of the incident.
  • Integration with corporate systems.

David Perez presenting Incident Scaling at Advanced Factories 21

Our vision at the round table “Interoperability: Partnership at the borders”.

Oscar López Tresgallo, General Manager of FIELDEAS, participated together with Mireia Roda, Diego Saez de Eguilaz Camara and Emilio Angles Isern in the round table “Interoperability: Partnership at the borders” where they discussed the challenge of implementations, criteria for partner selection and technology acquisition.

We share some ideas that emerged from the sum of the experience of all of them:

  • The digital strategies to be adopted by companies should be supported by flexible technologies that accompany business processes.
  • The key to efficiency lies in combining the automated process with human resources. People are a very important link.
  • The organization must be clear about its objectives and evaluate the technological feasibility.
  • Transformation has to be underpinned by management and involve suppliers and customers. It is the key to success.
  • The definition of the process to be digitized is fundamental.
  • Close communication between the users of the technology for its continuous improvement and to ensure the success of such digitization.
  • Be very aware of the definition of a “Change Management Strategy” where to involve both people from the organization and external to have the commitment in the digitization of the business process.

Óscar López Advanced Factories

Interview with Alfonso Martín in Radio Kapital Empresa

Montse Pardo, Editor-in-Chief and Host of the radio program Kapital Empresa on RKB Radio Kanal Barcelona. interviewed Alfonso Martín in the context of Advanced Factories, where we were able to give visibility to the value we bring to Industry 4.0 through our solutions FIELDEAS Track and Trace, FIELDEAS Maintenence, FIELDEAS Field Services and FIELDEAS Forms.

Thanks to all of you who have accompanied us during these three days.



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Lola Hurtado

Marketing Manager at FIELDEAS

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