Artificial intelligence

10 Tendencias Tecnológicas 2020

04 Feb 2020

10 Technology Trends for 2020

Technology trends have the potential both to create opportunities and to generate significant revolutions. Business and innovation leaders will need to evaluate them to determine how they can drive their…

Inteligencia artificial logística

06 Feb 2019

Artificial Intelligence in route management

Artificial Intelligence solutions allow us to optimize each of the phases that make up the logistics value chain. The application of algorithms and the processing of data in an orderly…

Logistics and Distribution_FIELDEAS_2018

29 Oct 2018

FIELDEAS at Logistics & Distribution 2018

Logistics & Distribution 2018 returns to surprise an increasing number of attendees. The eighth edition will be held on November 12 and 13 in halls 12 and 14 respectively. FIELDEAS…

10 tendencias tecnológicas

12 Dec 2017

10 technology trends for 2018

For yet another year, the technology consulting firm Gartner has published a report on the 10 technology trends that will rule the digital landscape next year. Within these, IoT and…