Supply chain traceability

Visibilidad y trazabilidad_objetivos medioambientales_FIELDEAS

01 Aug 2024

Environmental benefits of improved supply chain visibility and traceability

When we talk about visibility and traceability in the supply chain, we automatically think of operational efficiency. But did you know that having a supply chain visibility platform also brings…

29 Sep 2022

The importance of traceability in cold logistics

Cold logistics is a highly specialized segment that is currently experiencing a period of intense activity. The quality of temperature-controlled logistics services is based, among other factors, on exhaustive control…

Logística farmacéutica y trazabilidad

28 Jul 2022

Pharmaceutical logistics and traceability

Pharmaceutical logistics is a highly specialized business segment. The existing traceability requirements for the transport, storage and handling of medicinal products for human use are only achievable by operators with…

Cadena de suministro sostenible

16 Nov 2021

Bottlenecks in the supply chain

Supply chains have been under great pressure for many months now. The disruptions in world trade result in bottlenecks that impede the normal functioning of logistics flows. Several events have…

Wearedigital con Repsol

21 Oct 2021

FIELDEAS launches “WeAreDigital”

FIELDEAS launches WeAreDigital, a new multimedia initiative to promote business digitalization based on specific experiences in different sectors. Repsol, the first company to analyze its case. In a context of…

Visibilidad transporte por carretera

11 Mar 2021

Complete visibility of the transport chain through collaboration

covid-19 is putting the need for a resilient supply chain on the table. This trend implies a service capable of withstanding extreme situations and adapting to a changing environment. In…

25 Feb 2021

Why full transport traceability?

From a logistics point of view, full traceability of goods throughout the supply chain is a fundamental objective to improve service and reduce costs. Technology offers a real possibility to…

desafios cadena de suministro

19 Jan 2021

2021: The new challenges of the supply chain

Next Thursday 21 at 9:30 a.m., the round table discussion will start with“2021: The new challenges of the supply chain”, organized by ADL, Association for the Development of Logistics.organized by…

Caso de éxito Repsol Track and Trace

02 Dec 2020

Track and Trace, the successful Repsol solution

In today’s market, companies must be aware of the importance of having a complete traceability service of the transport chain for different products. And Repsol is one of those companies…

Visibilidad cadena de suministro

08 Jul 2020

Comprehensive visibility against supply chain black boxes

The absorbent cotton test for any supply chain visibility system is in those areas it does not reach. In these spaces, no information is generated and a kind of blind…

La digitalización supone una ventaja competitiva para las empresas de transporte en un mercado cada vez más complicado

19 May 2020

A new impetus for the digital transformation of transportation

The disease that has been ravaging the entire planet since the end of 2019 has the name of an asteroid or a futuristic robot. However, its effects are already being…