Soluciones software para la digitalización

Total gestión, visibilidad y control de tus procesos de negocio, de principio a fin

As a fundamental premise for efficiency and savings, the importance of optimization of the processes that take place within the city is increasingly evident. To help optimize these processes, cities are beginning to transform, little by little, into smart cities, and are able to obtain and manage a lot of useful information. The FIELDEAS solution for public administration allows cities to come closer to this smart city model.

On the one hand, FIELDEAS allows you to integrate all the necessary information that the city manages, offering the possibility of organizing the tasks to be carried out in a more intelligent and optimized way. For example, optimizing is not just knowing which containers are full, but using that information to automatically trace the optimal route for collection, and assign it, also automatically, to the operator who must perform it.

On the other hand, FIELDEAS allows citizens to participate so that they can collaborate with the administration, allowing them to provide useful information or even report incidents occurring on street furniture.

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Digitalización y colaboración, las vías para alcanzar un transporte eficiente

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8 beneficios de optimizar la gestión de muelles de carga y descarga

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