Five essential factors in visibility tools

Supply Chain Visibility

06 Jul 2022

Providing first-hand and real-time information on supply chain performance is no longer an option.

For a few years now, transport operators and companies have been collecting high value-added data to provide their customers with complete visibility of their logistics and transport operations.

However, not all visibility tools offer the same capacity and adaptability. FIELDEAS Track and Trace is an example of a solution that has succeeded in the market thanks to its flexibility and high management capacity from the origin to the last mile.

In this sense, there are a number of features that customers are looking for in their visibility tools and which are related to different aspects related to operations, business management and documentation.

5 key factors

Thus, according to a recent survey conducted by FIELDEAS among its customers to analyze which factors are decisive in the choice of a visibility system for the supply chain, five of them stood out:

  • Real-time visibility
  • Generation of predictive notifications and alerts
  • Integration of all information in a single point
  • Process optimization
  • Digital documentation management

Real-time information and alerts

88% of FIELDEAS customers particularly value visibility tools for their ability to provide real-time information and to generate predictive notifications and alerts.

Real-time visibility is a critical element of supply chain management. Especially at times when uncertainty is at its highest. Only by obtaining information in real time can corrective measures be established, on the one hand, and, on the other, parameters can be established to correct based on trends.

Closely related to real-time visibility is the ability of visibility tools to generate predictive notifications and alerts.

With both, on the one hand, it is possible to recover the normal operation of the chain in the event of any anomalous situation and, on the other, with predictive alerts it is possible to react to any risk or threat detected before it occurs.

Visibility as a predictive and optimization tool

Thirdly, 84% of FIELDEAS customers surveyed also stress that visibility tools must be able to integrate all information at a single point.

This aspect of logistics management is related to the increasing trend towards control towers that allow complete supply chain monitoring from an advanced command post that takes advantage of all the predictive capabilities offered by the unification of the entire data flow into visual information, adapted to the needs of each company and offered in real time.

Specifically, some of the possibilities offered by FIELDEAS Track ad Trace in this field are related to the management of incidents en route, delays in stops, deviations from planned routes, excessive immobilizations, unreported temperatures, unfinished routes or discrepant deliveries.

Also, in fifth place, another 80% of FIELDEAS customers also refer to the capabilities of visibility tools to optimize logistics processes and to achieve a digital management of documentation.

The first of these two specific aspects is key for both the customers of logistics operators and carriers, as well as for their customers.

In a first approach, optimization saves logistical steps, gains efficiency, cuts costs and reduces the carbon footprint of logistics and transport activities.

All this is achieved through the planning capabilities of the transport activity and optimization of the previous work of creating shipments, as well as their subsequent monitoring through a real-time model that identifies any anomaly in the process.

The digital management of documentation is also a key factor, just when the logistics and transport sector is undergoing an accelerated process of digitization.

Digital documentation also reduces the use of paper, improves information processing, minimizes errors, facilitates the invoicing of services and, at the same time, improves customer relations thanks to smooth data and document exchange processes.

FIELDEAS Track and Trace, the 5-in-1 for supply chain visibility

FIELDEAS Track and Trace meets each and every one of the characteristics that must be met by visibility solutions.

FIELDEAS Track and Trace provides an answer to supply chains “on the move” with its model “Visibility First. A multimodal and collaborative solution, with a maximum level of management from the origin to the last mile, providing real-time visibility of all operations. no black spots in the entire chain.

It stands out for its ability to generate alerts and predictive notifications that adapt to the needs of any logistics operator or transport company.

In addition, the tool also integrates all the information in a single point so that it can be viewed in a very visual way and with specific adaptation to each of the links that make up the supply chain.

Likewise, FIELDEAS Track and Trace optimizes processes thanks to its capacity for customization and the work of a fully professionalized team, specialized and knowledgeable about the needs of its customers.

And, finally, the software also makes it possible to make steady progress in the digitization of logistics and transport documentation. Aspects of the tool such as the e-CMR or digital delivery note are just a few of the elements with which the tool allows you to perform paperless transport and logistics operations in full compliance with all the legal requirements both in the treatment of the information and in its storage, custody and dispatch.

But, in addition, FIELDAS Track and Trace the concept of a system to become in an ecosystem that offers complete traceability of operations, that works with unified information, that integrates information to achieve a global vision of the chain, that offers integral visibility, with a 100% paperless process, totally proactive and focused on the customer.


Supply chain visibility
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Lola Hurtado

Marketing Manager at FIELDEAS

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